Thursday, June 14, 2012

Day 4 06/04/12: Dublin, Trinity College

How was your free time in Dublin?

I thought it was okay. I liked how we had the freedom to walk around and do what we wanted to do. I liked the city of Dublin but my day was kind of ruined because of multiple reasons haha :P. Our group mostly just wandered around, watched some street performers (who were amazing, by the way), and shopped for clothes for the theater at H&M. We didn't really know where to go and what to do so we just wandered around a bit. I was kind of overwhelmed in Dublin, but again I was having an off day so every little thing that happened that wouldn't normally tick me off, ticked me off like a psycho. The street performers that we saw were the guitarist, a bag-pipe player, and opera singer, people statues, an artist, and a lot other performers. I also felt really bad for the homeless. I've seen a lot of homeless people in Chicago as well, but not as up close. I could never imagine myself being homeless so it made me really sad. Besides the homeless people, my camera breaking, me almost losing Mr. Schagrin's 50 euro note, and encountering an extremely rude couple in a restaurant, I guess the day was okay.

Summary of the day & highlights:

We went to the cathedral, Trinity College, walked around Dublin, ate a light dinner at Trinity restaurant, and then came back to this hotel (Belvedere Hotel). The good highlights happened while we ate dinner at Trinity restaurant. It wasn't the most fulfilling meal, but the moments our group had there were hilarious. We played a Korean hand game and I had to teach the Shamrock group how to play it. We had a lot of laughs so it made up for my bad day :)!

Funny how these stores were next to each other :)

ART by an artist on the pavement of Dublin <3


A bridge we crossed overlooking the views of Dublin

Trinity College! We weren't allowed to take photos in the Long Room

Waiting outside to get into the Long Room 

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