Our class travels in small groups of around 5 or 6. A teacher is in charge of each group. It's necessary for us to stay in these groups so that we don't lose one another as well as make sure everyone is at a certain place at a certain time. This will be especially important when we travel outside the country because we will make sure that we will not be late to certain events as well as make sure no one gets lost in such a large and foreign country.
Our group learned to be exact on time and to never be late. This will be important when we travel to Ireland and the United Kingdom, so I want to make sure that our group isn't late again. We definitely learned a lesson today considering that we caused the teachers to talk quite a bit on how our group was late. I also thought that today was a good day for us to learn how we will be traveling while we are travelling abroad. We were in our groups and in a busy city so I thought that it taught us how we should stick together and make sure that no one gets left behind.
I thought that the china in the Irish Heritage Center was interesting because I never knew that those china pieces were important to the Irish culture. All of the pieces were intricately made and beautiful.
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